One of the biggest acts of self-care during pregnancy is practicing prenatal yoga. Studies show that it has several benefits for expectant mothers, and I can attest to this based on my personal experience with prenatal yoga.
Here are 4 benefits of prenatal yoga.
1. Helps prepare your body for delivery
They don’t call giving birth labor for nothing…it really is work! That’s why it’s important to prepare yourself for delivery as much as possible because prenatal yoga plays a significant role in helping prepare your mind, body and spirit for bringing life into the world.
Many prenatal yoga postures are hip-opening and grounding. This is ideal for expecting moms becasue this kind of physical activity engages the pelvic floor and the core, which prepares you for the birthing process.
Whether you’re clearing your mind through meditation, releasing toxins through breath or moving through asana practice, prenatal yoga is preparing your body for a healthy delivery.
2. Reduces stress
Pregnancy can be very a very nerve-wracking experience filled with unknowns and some fear (especially if you’re considered high-risk like I was).
One of the biggest stress relievers during my experience with prenatal yoga was practicing Pranayama (the formal practice of controlling the breath).
The more I focused on my breath during my practice (which provides oxygen to the baby), the more I was able to sustain my strength while flowing. It also was a great way to calm myself as I anxiously awaited the arrival of my little one and sustained me during contractions throughout the labor process.
3. You’ll sleep better
Yes, it’s true! Prenatal yoga helps you sleep better! Once I started attending classes, I noticed that the quality of my sleep was on-point!.
Don’t just take my word for it! The focus on breath and honestly the work that you put in during classes strengthens you but is also very relaxing. I slept like a baby even in my third trimester.
Ready for a calming flow? Try these 5 prenatal yoga poses!
4. Helps reduce pregnancy discomfort
I know I talk about the power of breath a lot in this post, but I can’t emphasize how much of a pivotal role it played in helping me to have a helathy pregnancy and delivery.
When I had Braxton Hick contractions or felt discomfort during prgnancy, I would focus on my breath to alleviate discomfort. Dirga breath (three-part breathing) really helped.
I also felt flexible and strong from the asana practice, which kept me energized during the day and also minimized lower and other pain associated with pregnancy.
Prenatal yoga is the gift that keeps on giving and I highly recommend it for expecting moms.
Share your prenatal yoga experiences in the comments!
Ciao Bellas,