When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I was enrolled in yoga teacher training and practicing yoga often.
A few weeks later, the doctor put me on bed rest and my practice came to a halt. I’m not going to lie, once I was in the clear to be active again, it took a lot of effort for me to get back into yoga.
Between the stress of having a high-risk pregnancy and feeling fatigued all the time, I wasn’t motivated to exercise at all. Of course, this was the time that I needed yoga the most!
I attended my first prenatal yoga class late in my second trimester and after a few sessions, I experienced several benefits that transcended beyond the physical.
Here are four things to expect when attending a prenatal yoga classes.
1. Expect to sweat
This is not your mama’s yoga class! Even though it’s a class for soon-to-be mamas!
When I attended my first prenatal yoga class, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I figured it would be more of a gentle or restorative flow with less vigor than the vinyasa classes that I was accustomed to.
But, reality check… prenatal yoga class kicked my butt! I didn’t take into account the drastic changes that my body underwent physically and metabolically.
The movements in class were definitely not as intense as my regular yoga practice but we flowed and did modified push-ups, held strong standing poses, did sun salutations and so much more. I worked up quite the sweat and loved it!
Don’t shy away from modifying your asanas in class and a good teacher will encourage you to. Yoga isn’t about pushing through the pain, it’s about listening to your body and nurturing yourself by doing what feels best for you.
Ready to get started? Try this relaxing prenatal yoga flow!
2. Expect to feel a deeper connection with your baby
Doing yoga while pregnant is a great way to channel your energy and intentions toward growing a healthy baby in your womb.
My teacher was great about having us to focus our breath towards the baby. She also encouraged us to rub or embrace our bellies while in different asanas during class. It was the sweetest, most liberating experience that gave me a stronger connection to my baby.
There were times when I felt exhausted and didn’t think I could make it to the yoga studio but knowing that this would be precious time spent focusing on he baby was the best form of motivation to step on my mat.
3. Expect to make friends
A prenatal yoga class is the perfect place to meet other moms! Think about it, you pretty much see them on a regular basis and you definitely have at least one thing in common by being preggers!
I was the only pregnant person in my immediate circle of friends, so there were times when I desperately wanted a tribe of future moms to connect with.
Don’t shy away from asking questions and initiating phone number exchanges with your prenatal yoga class peers. I found a walking buddy by sparking conversation with another student in class!
4. Expect to become addicted
Once I experienced how invigorating yet relaxing prenatal yoga class could be, I was immediately hooked.
The friendships and bonding time with baby were definitely the cherry on top in addition to the amazing physical benefits I experienced.
Additionally, I slept better at night and felt more energized the day after prenatal yoga class. This was a major plus because I was working full-time yo until the day before my water broke. (My water actually broke about five hours after attending prenatal yoga.)
These are just a few of the things that caused me to regularly attend prenatal yoga class. I honestly miss it a bit… even though, holding my little one in my arms is the best feeling ever!
Attending prenatal yoga class is an empowering act of self-care during pregnancy— I highly recommend it.
Ciao Bellas,