Would you believe me if I said you can eat your way to whiter teeth? Well, it turns out, the foods that you eat can assist in keeping your smile on point! Certain ingredients like malic acid, calcium and Vitamin D are amazing for combating tooth decay and discoloration.
I’m not saying to binge on foods full of acid, but I am saying that incorporating foods that contain the aforementioned elements into your regular meal plan are good for your pearly whites.
Here are 5 foods that will help to naturally whiten your teeth.
1. Strawberries
Besides being irresistibly delicious, strawberries are also pretty awesome at helping to whiten your teeth. One of the biggest reasons is because strawberries contain malic acid, which is an organic compound that’s found in a lot of the foods that we eat, especially fruits. Its ability to help produce saliva reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth and aids your having a whiter smile. Producing more saliva causes less stain-attracting bacteria, which means less plaque, inflammation and other bad things happening in your mouth.
One popular hack to do right before your normal routine is to smash up a couple of strawberries in a small bowl or container and rub them on your teeth. Let the strawberries sit for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water. Finish by brushing and flossing as usual.
2. Pineapple
Want whiter teeth? Eat more pineapple! Besides being super-duper tasty, pineapple is the only food that that naturally contains bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It’s also a go-to stain-removing ingredient in a lot of natural toothpaste brands.
3. Apples
The crunchy texture of an apple is great for keeping teeth clean. You can pretty much scrub away unwanted stains with every chew (If you eat them frequently enough.). Like many fruits, apples are mildly acidic and this helps with teeth brightening. Though subtle, you’ll notice a difference in the color of your teeth from eating apples more often. Give it a try!
4. Raisins
Raisins are not just for your granny’s enjoyment! Once upon a time, raisins were seen as a food that caused cavities because its a sweet and sticky food, but research shows that it could fight tooth decay. Raisins contain chemicals that suppress the growth of oral bacteria that lead to cavities and gum disease. Why? Raisins contain mainly fructose and glucose, which isn’t as bad for teeath as sucrose, which some experts attribute to many oral problems.
5. Cheese
Calcium, protein and phosphorous are all minerals in cheese that can help keep your teeth looking their best. The calcium in cheese mixes with plaque and sticks to the teeth and helps rebuild tooth enamel. Hard cheeses like Parmesan, Colby and Monterey Jack can help clean your teeth because they stimulate more saliva.
These foods do not substitute proper dental care. You should continue regular visits to the dentist, brush your teeth twice daily, and floss at least once a day.
What are your favorite foods that help keep your smile looking bright?
Ciao Bellas,