5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout


Some people say the hardest thing about working out is getting started. While I agree that starting can be tough, it can also be pretty hard to workout consistently and not get burnt out. Staying motivated to workout can be hard no matter what your goals are, but with planning and accountability overcoming that “I-don’t-wanna-workout- today!” slump can be easier than ever.

Check out these 5 ways to motivate yourself to workout.

1. Set an intention for your workout

Before I start any workout, whether I’m practicing yoga or interval training, I always set an intention to help push myself to remember the “Why?” behind my fitness activities.  The purpose of setting an intention is to have something that pushes you to keep going–no matter what. Your intention can be personal or it can be on behalf of a friend or loved one. Sometimes I set an intention to let go of the day’s drama and focus on channeling my energy into doing more squats or focusing on m breathing more. Sometimes, my intention is driven by others. Maybe a loved one is going through tough times and need positive vibes to come their way, I’ll set my intention to push myself to be stronger or better, so I can be a better base of support for them. Your intention can be anything that you want it to be. Just make sure it drives you to work hard and not give up.

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2. Mix things up.

Mixing things up in your workout routine is pivotal to helping accomplish your fitness goals. Repeatedly doing the same thing exercises every time you workout is absolutely no fun, and it’s also not good for progress. Eventually your body will plateau and you won’t see results. Love cardio? Maybe you can mix things up with circuit or interval training. Do you usually workout during a specific time of the day? If you have a flexible schedule, try changing your workout time and adding an additional 5-10 minutes to your sessions. You can even switch up your exercise playlist. It’s amazing how music can change your entire mood!

3. Wear clothes that feel and look good.

The clothing that you exercise in is important, especially when it comes to blood circulation, breathability and weather protection. Comfort is key when it comes to having a great workout! It can be miserable to jump around in a sports bra that’s too tight and embarrassing to step outside and realize your leggings are completely see-through. So, be sure to buy clothing that makes you feel your best, inside-and-out, during physical activities. I’m a girl who shops on a budget, so hopefully these 5 stores to shop stylish, affordable workout gear can help you look good and help you save some coins.


4. Set goals and treat yourself for accomplishing them.

Anytime I get on my yoga mat or try a new workout, I think about my goals. Sometimes it’s a matter of me tracking my weight and seeing if I can lose 1-2 lbs more in a week than I did the week before. Other times, it could be something as simple as adding in an additional set of squats or push-ups to my workout routine. No matter how I’m feeling, I always try to push myself with every workout. In yoga, I like to time myself in different arm balances. Sometimes, I can only hold poses for 1-2 seconds longer than the time before, but guess what… that’s progress! When I accomplish those goals, I treat myself to little things like a new pair of leggings or an extra cheat meal during the month.

5. Find an accountability partner.

They say that life is better with friends and I believe the same applies to exercising. Having accountability can make or break a fitness regimen. If you can’t motivate yourself to workout, recruit someone to help you out. It can be a friend, relative or maybe even a fitness trainer. We all have different schedules, so if this person can’t physically join you at the gym or wherever you choose to exercise, maybe you do daily phone check-ins with them or share motivational texts throughout the day. When you show that you’re serious about your fitness goals, other people will notice and will happily be your cheerleaders and motivators. Who knows, your hard work and dedication could have a huge impact on their fitness goals as well.


Remember that progress takes time.

Progress takes time and no two people’s fitness goals and timelines for accomplishing them are exactly alike. There may be times when you get discouraged and want to give up, and having those feelings is OK and pretty normal. When those times come, remind yourself of why you started and do something active. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Always push yourself no matter what. Every move you make brings you closer to your goals, so every little bit counts!

Ciao Bellas,