I’m in one of those moods today, lovely people. The kind of mood where the wheels start turning and thoughts of the most mundane things come to mind in a vibrantly more significant light.
I was thinking of people’s perception of what beauty is and how oftentimes (at least in my experience) it’s been the very things that I sometimes feel insecure about that others notice and compliment me on. Whether it’s my big, toothy smile or my slightly more defined dimple on my right cheek; the very features that I sometimes dread are perceived as beautiful in other people’s sight.
Sometimes it’s good to sit back and reflect on our physical beauty because God saw fit to design every feature of our being, from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes. Here’s to being imperfectly perfect and beautiful–flaws and all.
Just thought I share my random thought with some of my fellow F&B friends.
Ciao Bellas,