A few weeks ago, I shared 3 Ways to Maintain a Yoga Practice for New Moms.
My ultimate goal is to give readers my tried-and-true tips based on what has worked the best for me. However, the thought struck me that sometimes, the info that I share might not resonate with some of my followers because of our differences in lifestyle. This is totally normal becuase we’re all unique and that’s what makes us special, but I always want to be as authentic and relatable as possible when I’m offering advice.

So, I took a step back to assess waht I said in that post, and the truth is, even though doing those things have absolutely helped me keep my head above water as a working mom with a desire to live a healthy lifestyle, it takes planning and sacrifice. I want to be clear that I don’t live a perfect, made-for-Instagram life, and even with help, things get exhausting!
There are still times when I get overwhelmed and feel inadequate as a p[artner and mom, and sometimes us folks in the wellness space don’t address that part of our lives.
I don’t want to make light of the stress that life can bring our way.
Outfit details: Boohoo Ruffle Midi Cardigan/Banana Republic Leather Pants/ Truffle Collection Leopard Print Heels (similar)
When you’re waking up every morning to go to work and aren’t being paid because of a government shutdown but your bills are still due, a deep inhale and exhale won’t eliminate this problem. When you work for a company like GM and find a noose at your desk and experience daily racist taunting, taking a moment to self-reflect won’t change the situation.
When you’re a sleep-deprived mom who’s managing a household on your own, waking up and hour earlier to practice yoga is probably the last thing you’re thinking about. For those of you who are facing hardships of any kind, please know that I see you and in no way do I want to make light of what you’re going through.
I don’t want to join the congregation of folks running around promoting the idea that practicing self-care is one-size-fits-all and is always easy to maintain. I’m still learning as I go. Sometimes, self-care for me is crying when I need to cry; screaming when I need to scream, and sitting still and not going into a yoga sequence when my body needs rest.
If there is anything that I want you to take away from the Busy Yoga Mom / @blackyogamom community, it’s that this is a platform that doesn’t promote false perceptions of life. We are all learning as we go, and my hope is to be a source of help along the way.
Ciao Bellas,