Hey F&B lovers! I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda a sucker for sunglasses and I feel like they’re the perfect accent for any look. (It’s definitely a product of the Florida girl in me!) Sometimes there’s no better feeling than cruising down the road in a fab car while looking even more fab in a pair of stylish shades.
Apparently the engineers over at Ford Motor Company agree that shades are a glam driving accessory because they went through the trouble of evaluating 100+ pairs of sunglasses from several brands and price ranges to ensure that they created the perfect dimensions for a cozy place to keep sunglasses in the overhead stowage bin of the 2013 Ford Fusion.
Here’s what Sejal Shreffler, the core accommodation and usage engineer said about this feature:
“Older sunglasses holders were designed for thin, wire-framed pairs, but fashions have evolved toward thicker, plastic shades. So we changed the bins to keep up with the trends.”
You already know that Ford is fashion-forward when it comes to the various design elements of their cars, (Remember my fashion-packed interview with Ford’s Senior Interior Designer Anthony Prozzi?) so although, I’m impressed by the impeccable attention that the engineers pay to detail–I’m not surprised!
One of my goals this year is to purchase a new car and the Fusion has been on my radar since I interviewed Anthony. I’m really hoping to weed it out from my other choices, and the more I learn about this car…the more I fall in love with it! I love the design and energy-efficient nature of the Fusion and the stylish little details (like having the perfect compartment to fit just about any sized sunglasses) definitely gets my glam seal of approval.
Are you a fan of the 2013 Ford Fusion? Are details like this important to you when buying a car?
*Photo Courtesy of Ford
Ciao Bellas,