I have a confession: Discovering the beauty of finding the perfect brow shape has truly changed my beauty regimen, and quite frankly it makes me feel like one bad mamma jamma!
The beauty of getting the best brows ever is that no two shapes are alike and once you nail what looks best on you, it seems like you’re instantly elevate to hot-to-trot glam status! Sometimes it can be a little difficult to find the look that suits you best. (Trust me, I’ve been a victim of eyebrow faux pas for year, and recently started getting my ish together when it comes to this grooming must!) That won’t be the issue here B&B friends. Check out these fab tips from Umbreen Sheikh, founder of Wink Brow Bar in Manhattan’s West Village sharing how to get the best brows ever!
Start off with a guideline. I recommend going to a brow specialist in your area or your favorite cosmetics counter to mark up your official brow lines. They will help to measure the shape of your natural brow which will then act as your dotted line to maintaining the shape.
Once the shape is complete, follow the guidelines to fill in brows and extend the natural lines. Be mindful to those “stray” hairs that fall within the dotted lines because yes, it may look like a “stray”, but if its within the natural lines, it belongs there. Put the Tweezer down!
Create a shadow behind the hairs by using a brow powder to create the appearance of thick and bold brows. Brow Powders are easiest for beginners because you can build up the color, versus drawing it on. Try out the Wink Brows to Go Quad that includes a contour shade, an overall fill in shade, a highlighter and a brow wax. Leave the brow pencil to the professional because harsh filling in can age you dramatically.
Finish off with a brow wax. Consider this “hairspray” for your brows to keep them in place all day long. This brow wax helps hold down hairs and push them closer to the skin, resulting in the appearance of thicker, more full, brows.
I can’t wait to apply these quick-and-easy tips to my daily brow routine, and need to add the Wink Brows to Go Quad to my beauty collection ASAP!
Here are some other brow kits to try!
Vogue totes agrees that fab brows are essential to upgrading your beauty swag, and they even put together a roster of fab brows in their list, The 27 Best Brows of All Time: From the Mona Lisa to Cara Delevingne.
Happy brow beating! (See what I did there?)
Image Source: Vogue.com
Ciao Bellas,