Here at Beuaty & The Beat, I love sharing the latest fashion and beauty scoop, but I’m also a fan of sharing glam events, especially those that will help you further your career! That’s why I’m super-excited to share details about the Her Campus National Intercollegiette Conference this month!
Yep, this is your chance to mix and mingle with fab industry leaders from some of your favorite glossies like Cosmo, Glamour and Seventeen. Of course, ther are uber-glam goody bags and exciting events like a BCBG sample sale (Ummm hello… those prices are going to be ah-mazing!).
In addition to some enviable shopping deals you’ll be able to get your glam on with free mini manicures and a braid bar. As if that isn’t enough, there will be free lunch from Chipotle plus a Chipotle gift certificate in addition to a movie screening! (This seriously sounds like two days of fabulos fun!)
The conference is taking placve on July 27-28 in NYC and it’s not too late register! Learn more about waht’s in store and register here!
Make sure you let them know that Margo from Beauty & The Beat sent you!
Ciao Bellas,

Don’t judge but I was in the minute you said Chiptole. LOL