You guys know I’ve been bitten by the yoga bug and so far I’m really, really loving it! One of the people who really encouraged me to start the practice was my friend Allie from The Journey Junkie. She’s an uber-talented yoga teacher and we actually met in cube-town (AKA our office). She started teaching yoga classes as a part of a wellness initiative at work. I didn’t attend at first because I was so wrapped up in my HIIT worhout schedule, but I wanted to support Allie and see what all of the hype about yoga was about so I finally attended a class after work, and that was all it took!
Besides having an insatiable passion for practicing yoga, Allie is an amazing teacher, so I picked her brain for go-to tips and advice for beginner yogis. Check it out!
How long have you been practicing yoga?
I’ve been practicing yoga for roughly four years now. In the beginning of my yoga journey, I practiced 4+ times a week and then went through periods of no yoga for weeks. It was a bit of a love/hate relationship to start. After going through yoga teacher training, I learned that balance is key and now practice 2 – 3 times a week. And when I say practice, I’m referring to a 75 minute or sometimes longer practice. When I can’t make it to the yoga studio or carve out time for a home practice, I make it a priority to stretch my body, even if it’s for only 5 minutes.
What inspired you to start your yogi journey?
My old roommate was the spark that lit my yoga fire. She purchased a Groupon to a local yoga studio and couldn’t get enough of the place. Soon enough, our entire house of 5 girls committed to 40 days for $40. The rest is history. Many yogis will tell you that the yoga practice is love at first sight and they aren’t exaggerating. The practice is an amazing tool to release stale energy, negative thoughts, reduce stress, build confidence, create community, AND strengthen and tone the body. What more could you ask for!
Many people are afraid to take the leap into yoga. (I was one of them.) What advice do you have for beginners who are on the fence about starting?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned from yoga is that it’s a no judgment zone. The yoga practice is a very personal experience that is done either alone at home or in a room full of people. Regardless of the location, it’s a sacred time to turn in inward and make space for the new while releasing the old. So for this reason – don’t be intimidated. Don’t let your fears or emotions stand in the way. Yoga is here to help make life easier. Period.
And now that I’ve given my spiritual yogi rant, here’s some tips from The Journey Junkie on how to start:
- Yoga Poses for Beginners
- How to Start a Yoga Practice
- Online Yoga Classes
- How to Create a Home Yoga Space
- Popular Styles of Yoga
What are some essential items that every beginner yogi needs?
A yoga mat – which is the obvious. If you’re sans yoga mat, almost every yoga studio has them for rent so no worries. Once you fall head over heels in love, I recommend investing in a durable, supportive yoga mat. It’s worth the investment. Other necessary items include: a hand towel to wipe the glistening sweat off your face, a water bottle to stay hydrated, comfortable clothing that’s not too loose, and a yoga towel for the mat if taking hot classes. If interested in all of my yoga accessory must-haves, check out this article.
How often do you recommend practicing yoga?
I recommend at least once a week. It will take some time to learn the postures, their names, and the body alignment for each one. If possible, I highly recommend three times a week.The body performs the postures based on muscle memory so the more frequent you visit a posture, the more in tune the body will become with it. The best part about yoga is that we are never done mastering a posture, there’s always more room to grow. This is why we are forever students of the practice, constantly learning and evolving.
What are some easy beginner moves that people can try at home?
The most common poses that students will hear and do in class are:
- Warrior 1 & Warrior 2
- Low lunge & High Lunge
- Downward facing dog & Upward facing dog
- Mountain Pose
- Forward fold (standing)
- Triangle Pose
- Pigeon pose
- Bridge Pose
- Savasana
If interested in learning more about these poses, I recommend doing a quick Google search, scanning Pinterest for a tutorial, or reading the above mentioned article – Yoga Poses for Beginners.
What’s your personal mantra?
I am enough.
The Universe is unfolding exactly how it’s meant to.
Stay present and ready for opportunities.
Hope you guys draw as much value from Allie’s tips as I have and don’t forget to check out her fab blog The Journey Junkie for all-things travel and yoga!
Ciao Bellas,