Hi B&B friends! I’ve been keeping pretty busy conducting amazing interviews with some fabulously influential tastemakers in the fashion and beauty industries. My latest project was for Moda Dossier (Yes, I’m a new beauty correspondent for this ah-mazing blog!), and I was privileged to interview Elin Dannerstedt, the ridiculously talented founder of the luxury nail brand NCLA about the innovative new nail wrap customization app myNCLA. Check it out below!
If innovation and beauty collided and birthed a lovechild, her name would be Elin Dannerstedt. Not only is Elin the founder of the successful luxury nail brand NCLA, she’s also the beauty thought leader who shook up the modern-day mani/pedi process with the introduction of nail wraps.
As if introducing a new nail category to the world wasn’t enough, the Los Angeles based brand has merged the worlds of beauty and technology with the launch of the new myNCLA app. This cutting-edge app allows users to let art imitate life by creating customized nail wraps using their smartphones.
NCLA nail wraps have dazzled the hands of nail art lovers galore with exclusive collections curated by fashion-savvy tastemakers like Melody Ehsani, Alice + Olivia and Nailing Hollywood, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg for the brand. With the myNCLA app, users can flaunt their personal style by snapping a picture of anything they want to see on their nails, tweaking it to their liking, naming the design and waiting for the nail wraps to arrive in the mail.
Moda Dossier spoke with the beauty pioneer, Elin, about the industry-changing myNCLA app, the marriage of beauty and technology, why healthy competition is a plus and more. Prepare to be inspired!
MODA DOSSIER: You’ve seen a myriad of success and positive reception since launching NCLA several years ago. What inspired you to take things to the next level with myNCLA? Elin: We just wanted to be able to let the consumer design what they want. We always got comments about offering designs and things that we normally wouldn’t do. What people wanted was customization. It feels special because you feel like you designed it. We wanted to let our customers have that feeling.
myNCLA is currently available through iTunes at the moment. Based on the reception you’ve seen thus far, are there any intentions on making the app available on other platforms such as Google Play? Yes, it’s something we’re looking into. We realize not everyone has an iPhone. It’s definitely on the horizon.
Read the full interview here.
Ciao Bellas,