B&B friends, prepare to get your life! Today the uber-talented fellas, Dimitri Scheblanov and Jesper Carlsen of Herring & Herring released photos of Beyonce from her 2014 calendar shoot.
Get into the gorgeous pics below!
Y’all know I love me some Beyonce, but I gotta admit I was a little taken aback by her releasing a calandar. It felt dated and I didn’t see a need for it. Well, I should’ve known better and I’m totes eating my words after seeing these gorgeous flicks from the book!
What do you think of Beyonce’s calendar photos from her Herring & Herring shoot?
Ciao Bellas,

I felt the same way about the calendar. I couldn’t understand why she released one. If you ever figure it out let me know.
Yes! I just didn’t get it. I haven’t heard of an artist releasing a calendar since (cues crickets). However, I do like the photos.