Kim Kardashian posted the above glamour shot on her blog with the caption: “Definitely a new look for me”. She’s channeling Diana Ross for a Supremes-inspired photo shoot with Hype Williams, and ummm… I can’t put my finger on it, but something is absolutely off about this picture.
Kim’s hair in the snapshot looks glamazing! It’s a spot-on depiction of the big, plush curls that Diana’s known for, but this makeup is awful, or maybe it’s the bleak/awkward expression on Kim’s face. Either way this look gets an A++ for the hair and a whopping F– for the makeup. Sorry, Kim…this is a NOT!
What do you think about Kim’s Diana Ross inspired beauty look? Haute or Not?
Ciao Bellas,
A resounding and emphatic NOT!!! She looks ridiculous! The hair can “pass” as an honoring tribute to Diana but the make seems to state: “I’m engaging in modern day minstrel shows and mocking Black look.” Maybe I’d be more accepting of it if she was actually black (throw the stones at me) or if it’d looked for professional and in a manner that was complimentary and not offensive to the image of black women.
Wanna know what I think? This picture is confirmation that it’s time to get off of your blog for today…..LMBO I can’t, won’t and never will be able to deal!