One of my all-time favorite Hollywood heart throbs is hands-down Idris Elba. I mean he’s talented, tall, dark, handsome and has a British accent (Yes, I’m a sucker for an accent).
I was excited when I heard that he was covering the March 2013 issue of British GQ. But then I saw the cover. *Siiigh*
Instead of seeing the usually clean-cut doe-eyed Idris looking sharp in a fly suit, my eyes were glued to Idris in tight jeans and (equally tight) striped shirt awkwardly mounting a motorcycle with his legs agape. (Oh, I cant!)
I thought the corny open-legged cover was all of the wide-open spaces that I would see from my future husband, but NOPE. Another image from the spread showed him in a similar posture.
They did vindicate themselves with this shot of Idris! (He looks all kinds of gorgeous! Yasss!)
I’m a huge Idris Elba fan, but this cover and picture are a total Not! I don’t know what the folks over at British GQ were thinking, because choosing this image for the “The Cool Issue” was a total faux pas.
They definitely chose the right guy, but the image choice sucked.
What do you think about the cover? Haute or Not?
Ciao Bellas,