To save the undies, or not to save the undies? That is the question.
There comes a time in every girl’s life when she is presented with a little monthly gift—her period. Along with this transition into womanhood comes the often laughed and talked about topic of “period panties” or as my friends and I call them PPs. My friends and I joke about this all the time. When you think of PPs they’re often oversized cotton undies in extremely bright or unsightly colors with old school curtain-like patterns. Not chic at all!
I’m a girly-girl and a total romantic, so anytime that I can wear pretty panties, I’m game—even when my homegirl Flo comes to visit. (I’m young, hot and hip so my monthly visitor is my homegirl, not my aunt—they’re fab too, but Flo and I weather these 5 days of bloating, cramps and fatigue together in the most fabulous way! We keep it very cute!)
I mean, who says you can’t wear pretty panties during your period?! If anything, it’s the perfect time to embrace your femininity and beauty. Yes, I tend to be a little moody and I’m like to channel my inner NeNe Leaks and read people like a bestselling novel from time-to-time, but it’s so much deeper than that! (Plus, the people closest to me know I don’t really mean it. LOL).
That’s why I’m a huge fan of the new U by Kotex® Ultra Thin Pads with 3D Capture Core, which is a one-of-a-kind center that conceals wetness to help stop leaks. I love the thin look and feel of this product and they’re pretty darn comfy and they actually work, so you can keep those panties pretty and protected!
The folks over at U by Kotex know that a girl’s gotta have options so they’ve been gracious enough to offer you the chance to snag some free samples! (You’re welcome!) Just click here, select your samples of choice and your goodies will be on the way!
I’m also a sucker for the trendy bright colors and designs on the pad’s packaging. Us stylish girls know it’s all about the details!
Be sure to embrace your pretty and save those undies by snagging your free samples now!
*Thanks to U by Kotex® Pads for sponsoring this post.
Ciao Bellas,