Hey F&B lovers! I hope your week’s off to a fab start. Today at lunch the topic of conversation was attractive men (Of course! lol)
Two of my co-workers were adamant about saying that they don’t find Denzel Washington as attractive as women make him out to be. They agreed that he has swag but his looks did nothing for them.
I just sat back and listened to their perspectives. I admit that I do find Denzel attractive because of his slick body movements and intense gaze, but I can also say that I think the man is just plain handsome! This has clearly been proven with his latest photo shoot done by Nathaniel Goldberg for the October issue of GQ magazine.
Take a look at what I’m talking about…
Giiiirl! If you don’t think this is what handsome looks like… I would like to know what you think sets the bar for it because 57-year-old Denzel looks amazing! I cannot stop looking at these pics. He’s well-dressed, debonair and I LOVE IT!
Denzel will grace the cover of GQ magazine, but in the meantime check out this Q&A that he did for GQ.com during his shoot.
What do you think about Denzel’s GQ spread? Do you think that he’s the gorgeous hunk of man that women have made him out to be for decades, or does he do nothing for you? Speak!
Ciao Bellas,

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