Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and usually I’m all like: “Ain’t nobody got time for that,” but guys I met a boy and he’s kind of amazing, so I’m totes in the mood to celebrate and enjoy the lovey–dovey holiday! I consider myself to be a pretty good gifter. I mean really it’s all about paying attention and cataloging those special interests and things that capture others that makes picking the perfect item pretty easy, but Valentine’s Day gifts can get a little cheesy. I’m not here for the chocolate teddy bears and roses. (No shade for people who adore these items.) I want to give my guy a dope gift to match his dope personality.
That’s why I’m beyond obsessed with mandles (man-candles)! Don’t shade me for thinking candles are a great gift for the guy in your life. Just hear me out, y’all. You don’t have to get some flower or fruit scented candles–honey they make plenty of candled (AKA mandles) with masculine scents that he’ll love! The other day while walking through the mall my guy and I stumbled upon some candles from Baxter of California and he fell in love with the Smoke Ash scent for his man cave. Here are some more amazing options to consider!
Is this something you’d consider getting for your beau?
Ciao Bellas,