What is the throat chakra?
The chakra system consists of 7 energy centers that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra center has its own set of attributes. If any of the energy centers are imbalanced, it can impact your emotional and physical well-being.
The throat chakra known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit is the body’s communication hub. It’s the source of speaking your truth and where you find and amplify your voice. If it’s blocked/unbalanced you may feel like you can’t or don’t want to speak, anxiety, stress, depression and uneasiness (this list isn’t exhaustive).
Yoga poses are a great tool to help balance your throat chakra.
Here are some of my favorite yoga poses for unblocking the throat chakra.
1. Cow Pose

Begin in Table Top pose (neutral spine) with your knees aligned with your hips and wrists aligned with shoulders. Press your hands toward the earth while resting the tops of your feet on the mat. On an inhale, lift the tailbone toward the sky while lowering the belly toward the earth. Lift the chin and chest to create an arch in your backGaze goes to the sky
2. Cat Pose

Begin in Table Top pose (neutral spine) with your knees aligned with your hips and wrists aligned with shoulders. Inhale to Cow Pose. Exhale, tuck the chin to the chest, press the earth away from you will pulling your belly button toward the spine, allowing the back to round.
3. Upward-Facing Dog

Lay face-down on your mat with a neutral neck, legs extended behind you and slightly spread apart with the tops of your feet resting on your mat. (Don’t tuck your toes… relax those babies!) With the palms facing down, place your hands next to your lower ribs with your fingertips pointing forward. Hug your elbows in close to your ribcage and inhale lifting your torso and legs a couple of inches. Be sure to press through your palms and straighten your arms (Your elbow creases should face forward.) as you lift your body.
Engage your legs and thighs to stay lifted and keep your elbows close to your ribcage and you slowly roll your shoulders back and lift your chest. Tilt your head back and gaze toward the ceiling or don’t tilt your head and keep your gaze straight ahead. Hold for 5-10 breaths.
To release the pose, exhale as you slowly lower your torso and forehead to the mat, and push up into Downward-facing Dog.
4. Shoulder Stand

Begin reclined, laying flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides with palms facing down. Bend your knees, allowing soles of the feet to rest on your mat. Inhale, lift the legs, creating an L-shape with the body. Press palms into the earth and begin to lift the hips, creating a straight line with shoulders, hips, and feet aligned. Gently place hands on your lower back for additional support.
Keep your head and neck neutral. Draw your shoulder blades firmly into your upper back. Allow there to be space between your chin and chest and relax your throat. Take your gaze toward your chest.
5. Plow Pose

Begin reclined, laying flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides with palms facing down. Bend your knees, allowing soles of the feet to rest on your mat. Inhale, lift the legs, creating an L-shape with the body.
Next press palms into the earth and begin to lift the hips, creating a straight line with shoulders, hips, and feet aligned. Exhale to engage the core while lowering the legs, reaching your toes toward the earth above your head.Gently place hands on your lower back for additional support.
Keep your head and neck neutral. Draw your shoulder blades firmly into your upper back. Allow there to be space between your chin and chest and relax your throat. Take your gaze toward your thighs.
6. Wild Thing

Begin in Downward-Facing og. From downward-facing dog, lift your right leg and flex your foot with the sole of your foot facing upward, coming into 3-Legged Dog. Bend your right knee and begin to open your right hip by pressing the sole of your foot towards the ground behind you.
While continuing to reach the sole of your right foot toward the Earth behind until your toes touch (keeping your right knee bent), lift your right arm and rotate onto the ball of your left foot until all four corners are flat on your mat.
Now, soften your shoulder blades and press your hips upward creating a backbend in your upper back. Inhale and extend your right arm above your head.
7. Reverse Table

Begin in Staff pose (Dandasana), with your legs together and extended in front of you with your arms parallel to your sides. Bend legs so knees are pointing up and soles of the feet are on the earth.
While pressing palms into the earth begin to lift your hips creating a flat surface with your thighs, torso and chest aligned while keeping a neutral neck.
8. Reverse Plank

Begin in Reverse Table Top pose and begin to walk feet forward toward the top of your mat until your legs are straight. The heels of your feet can rest on the earth with feet flexed or the soles of your feet can rest on the earth.
Check out this tutorial on Instagram!
Love + Light,