Have you ever wanted a yoga-inspired booty workout that target your glutes? Look no further because I’ve got you covered!

You’ll love this booty blasting yoga flow!
Believe it, or not, yoga is a great way to strengthen your glutes! There are several poses that actively engage your lower body and many of them entail using the glutes for stability.
One of my Instagram followers literally commented that they didn’t even equate yoga with working the booty, so you know I’m excited to share this video tutorial.
Get ready to whip that peach into shape with this booty blasting yoga flow!
1. Bridge with leg lifts (10 on each side)
2. Chair Squats (10)
3. Warrior III with leg pulses (10 on each side)
4. Yogi squat (10)
5. Reverse Lunge (10 on each side)
Repeat 3 times… GO!!
Did you feel the burn? Share your thoughts on this boosty blasting yoga flow in the comments!
Ciao Bellas,

Oh, girl, I’m so going to try this! I’ve been sitting all work week and finally feel my booty sagging. Is it also true that there’s a pose for skincare? I’m new to yoga so I’m just curious.
Loving your posts!
Thanks o much and Yes!! Let me know how it goes when you try this. Inversions like headstand help with your skincare because of the blood flow going to your face. Yoga really is great for everything!