5 Ways to Preserve Your Mental Health


Life can be overwhelming and sometimes stress and anxiety try to creep in and steal your joy. These are totally normal feelings to have, but I want us all to thrive and seek joy. I know there are many ways to preserve your mental health ranging from seeking therapy to lifestyle changes.

I’m sharing some of the practices I’ve tapped into. I hope they will serve you well.

Here are 5 ways to preserve your mental health.

1. Practice Breathwork

There is so much power in the breath it is truly a life force and can alter your physical, metal and physical state of being. When I’m looking for a way to combat anxiety and racing thoughts, I always turn to breathwork.

One of my go-to breathing techniques for relaxing is 4-7-8 breathing. You can do this lying down or in a comfortable seated position.

  1. To begin, slightly part your lips and exhale through your mouth. Fully emptying your body.
  2. Close your lips, close your lips, inhaling silently through your nose for a count of four.
  3. Hold your breath for seven seconds.
  4. Exhale through your mouth for eight seconds.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 nor more than four times if you’re a beginner. Work your way up to more cycles as you get more familiar with 4-7-8 breathing.

2. Prayer & Journaling

Talking to God, pausing and journaling on a regular basis has totally reframed my way of viewing myself, my potential and the plans He has for my life. When I feel like wallowing in self-pity, hopelessness or the comparison game, I take an inventory of all of my blessings and show gratitude for them. Instead of amplifying what I don’t have, I thank God for the many blessings that I have and I write it all down.

Let me tell you, journaling is like taking a huge exhale after walking around in a tight girdle all day. Honey, it’s the best sigh of relief ever!

If you’re looking for a way to preserve your mental healy by journaling on a more consistent basis, while also speaking greatness over your life, check our my FREE 7 Days Of Positive Affirmations + Journaling Challenge.

3. Upgrade Your Self-Care Routine

Taking care of our bodies from the inside out is the ultimate form of self-care. This includes everything from your exercise routine to the foods that you eat and so much more.

Try adding new products or techniques to your self-care routine. Not only will it give you something to look forward to, but it’s also a great way to pamper yourself.

I’ve recently done this with my skincare routine. I’ve incorporated jade rolling and facial massages and it has done wonders for my skin and my peace of mind! It gives me something to look forward to every morning and every evening, which totally comes in handy when I’m going through stressful times. Those few minutes of time committed to intentional self-care are the highlight of my day.

4. Rest

I am learning to say no more and also leaning into how healing and therapeutic simply being can bring. Rest has been my saving grace, however, I’m consciously avoiding falling into a pattern of paralysis by procrastination. This quote by Maya Angelo pretty much explain my view on the importance and power of taking a break.

“Every person needs to take one day away.  A day in which one consciously separates the past from the future.  Jobs, family, employers, and friends can exist one day without any one of us, and if our egos permit us to confess, they could exist eternally in our absence.  Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.”

Maya Angelou

Wind down even more with these relaxing, bedtime yoga poses.

5. Switch Up Your Fitness Routine

Shake things up with your fitness routine and see how you feel afterwards. I was recently listening to a podcast where a therapist mentioned that switching up your daily routine can have amazing benefits for your mental health. I decided to apply this to my fitness routine since I’m usually a creature of habit and physical activity is always therapeutic for me.

You all know that I absolutely love practicing and teaching yoga, but that isn’t the only form of movement that I participate in. I’m also an avid HIIT workout fan and I have been doing these kinds of workouts now more than ever!

I still practice yoga regularly, but breaking up my normal fitness routine with HIIT workouts has been a great way for me to break out a sweat and also pump out feelings of being anxious and overwhelmed.

Taking family walks and getting fresh air also has amazing physical, mental and physical benefits.

How do you preserve your mental health?