B&B friends, I’m all for a bangin’, intricately designed manicure, but the truth of the matter is… I don’t have the artistic chops to create the looks myself! (#AintNobodyGotTimeForThat) That’s why nail wraps and nail foils are a staple of mine. One of my latest nail foil discoveries comes from Rock Beauty London., which is totes a nail wrap mecca! They’ve launched a new line called Nail Rock Nail Foil that is all-kinds-of fabulous!
Now, you can get a nice eye
Nail Rock Nail Foil comes is three gilded shades: Antique Gold, Antique Silver and Antique Rose. Each kit comes as a duo that includes a nail polish and nail wraps. with a I love the face that they’re metallic because you have so much flexibility mixing and matching them to suit different seasons and occasions! Plus metallic are a huge runway trend this season!
Want to get the look for yourself? Check out this quick-and-easy tutorial:
Paint nails with two coats
Using tweezers gently place pieces of foil on the nail
Apply a top coat
Allow 10-15 minutes for nails to dry
You are ready to Rock!
Not only are these adorable nail accessories chic and trendy, but they’re affordable too! You can snag them for $8 at Walmart or urbanoutfitters.com.
Are you feeling this trend? Will you be rocking gilded nails this holiday season?
Ciao Bellas,